How my WordPress journey started, and feedback appreciated

My boss, Lucille Des Jardins, attorney, needed a new website. We hired a web developer.  I also went to a wonderfully informative one-hour lunch seminar by Todd Schafer about WordPress, and came away really wanting to learn it myself. Then, in the course of working with the web developer for our business site, that desire became an obsession (well, let’s call it a passion, that’s kinder to me, don’t you think?).

Melody Sharp was encouraging and also pointed me to the Santa Cruz WordPress Monthly MeetUp, and I got some awesome coaching from my friends Haley Carter and Ryan Johnson.  I struggled, and managed to set up our family’s second domain for hosting at Cruzio, and now I’m happily thinking up content when I’m trying to fall asleep, adding pages little by little, and figuring out how to make it work.

I invite you, friends and even strangers if any wander upon this site, to give me feedback.  I will learn from it, and I thank you.

- Naomi